Vienodity Admin replied

293 weeks ago

King Arthur Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4

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a5c7b9f00b A demystified take on the tale of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
This original portrayal of "Arthur",opposed to the mystical elements of the tale in past Arthur films, uses names and other elements from the traditional, medieval, Catholic Arthurian cycle in a very different, yet historically less implausible, almost realistic plot. Around 400 AD, the Roman empire, stretched across many nations, from Arabia to Britain, collapsed and skirmishes over power broke out in outlying countries. The conquering Romans become impressed with the weaponry and fighting skills of the warrior Sarmatian people, which have to send their sons to serve Rome fifteen years in the cavalry before these knights may return home. Arthur is Artorius Castus, whose future Knights of the Round Table, eager to achieve their freedom, are charged by bishop Germanius with one final task before their discharge: a Roman estate tyrant and his family, especially adolescent son Alecto, who is selected for a great future in Rome, must be rescued thereto from the invading Saxons, whose ruthless warrior-king orders his conquering tribal army to pillage and burn entire villages down. But there is another danger lurking on the road to freedom - the Woads, Celtic Britton rebels who hate the Romans, lead by the 'magician' Merlin, who however realizes Rome is no longer the main threat and offers Artorius a novel alliance after sparing his life in an ambush.
Maybe some little spoiler Good movie. With a good production, well photography, well acted, and some bizarre elements considering the time recreated in the movie (concept of freedom), is a good choice when is raining, and you need a quote of violence without gore. Sometimes I find in the movies who pretend historical background a lot of mistakes. But is movie, not reality. I think Vaticano should say something about some religious references. 500 years ago, maybe the producers should be killed for some declarations of the protagonist. But if you want to see good fights, historical anacronysm, offenses against the Church, a good amount of popcorn, a soda, and a beautiful girl near to you enjoying the show, go, and see it.
There's so much wrong with this film it's difficult to know where to start! And I've so much to do (like clean the toilet, walk the dog, pay those not so urgent bills I just got today!!!) that I need to keep this succinct.<br/><br/>The script is awful - it's full of bad clichés, inane garblings and dreadfully scripted, delivered and edited scenes. Ray Winstone CAN deliver a hateful line but far too often was made to look and sound like some odd figure in a regional panto! The Saxon leader was plain comical - I can imagine he was intended to be brutal and menacing … and for one or two fleeting moments he KINDA did … but to a greater degree he was a whispering hairball of a baboon. He simply wasn't vicious enough - his was a marauding army flattening all before them, yet all he did was brood and look around for a worthy opponent.<br/><br/>The casting is equally weak - Kiera Knightly may be elfish enough to convince us she's some form of mystical spirit even a fighter of sorts … but a full grown warrior of a tribe that lives on the very margins of 'civilisation'?! Come on! And her accent! I didn't realise Oxbridge predates the Romans in Britain!! The directing also left a lot to be desired - only a handful of stand-out scenes: the face off on the frozen lake, the opening gambits of the main battle scene between the knights and the main Saxon army at the Roman garrison/ Hadrians wall. Apart from that I'm being kind by saying it was uninspired.<br/><br/>Overall the tone of the movie is horribly morose - the whole story being taken too seriously by Fuqua.<br/><br/>As an interpretation of the legend of Arthur this offered so much potential (fascinating historical context, contemporary relevancy, an interpretation of freedom, justice and nationhood) and it simply failed to deliver on all of them … perhaps because it didn't know how to deliver on any of them.<br/><br/>Arthur represents more than just raised arms and fists with swords and some loud battle cry and equally more than just some overwrought, over-dramatic and badly scripted lines and reference to nationhood and identity. This film epitomises one that starts outa good idea but somewhere along the line is turned into a bad film. Which is a real shame because now that we've had this turkey we're unlikely to see another interpretation for some years.
Overall, King Arthur sinks into a grim, gray torpor - though it's an odd, not unentertaining movie. The approach is different, if not edifying or convincing.
For the screenwriter <a href="/name/nm0291905/">, Arthur is a metaphor for American Vietnam GIs […] The film's depiction of Rome's waning imperial influence, of its exploitative client-state relationship with Britain, of its maltreatment of its prisoners and its vulnerability to bands of Pictish insurgents, seems to parallel imperialist America's current situation.
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last edited 215 weeks ago by Vienodity
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